Saturday, June 11, 2016

Rise of the Mages by Brian Foster Review

I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

I picked up this book, started reading, and was immediately sucked into this fantasy world that Foster has created. I loved it and am kicking myself for not getting around to it fast enough once I got my copy of it. I am going to keep this review as spoiler free as possible because I think that this is something that everyone should get to experience for themselves.

The story is about a guy named Xan works as an apothecary who is having these dreams of this girl. He lives in a world where being a mage is forbidden and then he discovers he is one. Xan then embarks on a quest to save the girl from his dreams and in the process he has to decide what to make of his new powers and how they will impact himself, those around him, and the world.

Foster has created a world that is easy to lose oneself in - in the best possible way. The characters are relatable and enjoyable and their story is just so enthralling. There could have been more editing done, but if you look past the little things that needed improving, you could see the beginning of a great story. It's got a very used plot line with a protagonist who discovers forbidden powers and embarks on a quest to save a girl, but I think Foster does a good job of adapting that plot line and creating a unique story.

I'm sitting here - post-read, and I can't wait to read more of this world and these characters. 

It's a great story that you should read and then share with us what you discovered when you read this book cover to cover!

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