The first installment in this series is Cinder. It's a dystopian twist on the classic fairytale Cinderella, as I'm sure you probably guessed from the title. Now, I'm not a big fan of robots when taking that approach to dystopian novels. I just don't like robots, they seem cheesy to me. And that's one of the reasons it took me so long to pick up this book. But I did, I put my bias opinions aside about robots, and ended up falling in love with this story.
Now, this one took a bit to get going for me, but it did it in a way that was very relatable to the classic tale. A lot happens in the story, but it doesn't really pick up the pace until the last quarter of the movie. Same with this story. I liked it in the beginning, but I didn't love it until the last part of the novel.
One of the greatest aspects of this story is the parallels between the original and the dystopian. The futuristic inspired characters based off the original ones, is incredibly adorable. The evil step-mom, the fairy godmother, the carriage, IKO! Meyer creates adorable and lovable characters in a very dark setting. Her style really pulls you in and the story keeps you hooked.
The rest of this series is going to be thrilling and I can't wait for it. Cinder is a marvelous retelling and an enthralling set up for an exciting adventure and that's what I discovered Cover To Cover.
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